Alstom Marine's AZ Island : Jean-Philippe Zoppini's Luxury Floating City. 10:13 PM, Posted by Qline , Subscribe to feed reader here

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There’s no such thing more fascinating than a secluded island. Unfortunately there are only so many of ‘em. AZ Island is a concept of an artificial island that’s capable of movement out at sea. AZ Island is the brainchild of Jean-Philippe Zoppini, who is working in conjunction with the company Alstom Marine to realize his dream. The man-made floating wonder is huge in proportions. If conceived, it will measure 400m X 300m; capable enough to house 10,000 passengers simultaneously on its surface. It will also rise 29 floors high above seal level and will be able to withstand hurricanes and waves to the tune of 20-meters of height. However, the mega proportions will take a toll on the speed of the AZ Island, as also on the ability of it to berth, which in turn will necessitate the use of boats or helicopters to ferry passengers to and fro. Currently, the project is being studied for financial and technical viability. As anticipated the €2 billion project is proving to be a tough proposition and has severe construction difficulties. Then there is plethora of issues concerning the potential use of the AZ Island. My hope is that some technological miracle leads to a realization of this novel concept. Also hoping that the billionaires leave some room for us poor folks on the AZ Island.


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