James Holmes , The Dark Knight Shooter Calling Himself Joker
A cold-blooded man attacked indiscriminately to people who are queuing ticket Batman movie 'The Dark Knight Rises' in Denver, Colorado, United States. A man named James Holmes (24) confessed to the police if he is the Joker, an enemy of Batman.
James Holmes said this when questioned by the police. One of the New York police officer revealed this to local journalists.
"He told authorities after the shooting that he was The Joker," said NYPD police commissioner Ray Kelly, Saturday (21/07/2012). Similarly, as reported by ABC News.
Not only admitted as the Joker, Holmes also dress up like Batman's main enemy is. Her hair is made straight, just like the appearance of the Joker.
Two local law enforcement officials have also confirmed this Joker-style display. Known, the weapons used to attack Holmes is the type of firearm AR-15, a single shotgun and two pistols.
Shooting incident that made the 24-year-old boy came as midnight screenings at the Century 16 movie theater at about 0:30 in the morning local time, Thursday (19/7).
Perpetrators of the brutal shooting at the audience with a kind of riffle weapon when the movie 'The Dark Knight Rises' a new start for about 15 minutes. 12 people were killed and about 50 people were seriously injured due to this incident.
dark knight rises,
James Holmes,