100 kilograms Giant Cassava Named Gatot Kaca Found in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia

https://funfunpics.blogspot.com/2010/05/100-kilograms-giant-cassava-named-gatot.html?m=0 5:44 AM, Posted by Qline , Subscribe to feed reader here

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This giant cassava obtained Tumarjo from his garden not far from his home. In the garden, Tumarjo currently approximately 20 trees to plant cassava Gatot Kaca.

According Tumarjo, cassava is an experimental combination of two types of cassava cuttings of cassava and cassava ordinary rubber. But he did not expect if the results of this singkongnya cuttings will be very large.

Even he admitted to never harvest singkongnya weighing 150 pounds with a period of one year of planting.

"I have a few months ago even had time to harvest the weight reaches a half-quintal. This cassava cuttings my own experimental results, "says Tumarjo, cassava plantation owners, Saturday (05/22/2010).

Yams can be eaten like cassava in general. In fact, some villagers cassava-eating neighbors, admits if it was more tasty and tender than usual cassava. "It feels awful mas, mempur (soft)," said Marjono, residents Buntu Banyumas.

Head of Department of Agriculture Banyumas Wikanto Joko said, cassava is a big fast because the soil is very fertile location spelled planted. Also, because cassava is not too deep in the ground, so the sun easily enter. As a result, cassava cassava easily be exceeded normal.

"Soil fertility and the sun who's play land into one big factor this cassava," explained Ricardo Wikanto.

Tumarjo claims will not sell this giant cassava. But for people around who want to enjoy this cassava are welcome to go directly to fry in a stall at the Village Tumarjo Kebasen, Banyumas.


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