Play Pinball HD on iPad 8:34 PM, Posted by Qline , Subscribe to feed reader here

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A new game with stunning level of realism has been released for Apple iPad. OOO Gameprom has released Pinball HD for iPad. As quoted on the official app page:

The Pinball HD – this game will change you conception of pinball on iPad. Each table – WILD WEST, THE DEEP and JUNGLE STYLE – is a masterpiece, every part of it is a separate mechanism and you will be stunned by the level of realism, when you will see how it all works together. This is REAL pinball simulator with stunning 3D graphics.

Features of Pinball HD game for iPad:

1. 3 full-fledged pinball tables with unique graphics, instructions, missions system, locations and characters.
2. 3D-engine that maxes out your iPad capabilities.
3. Stunning camera effects.
4. Very realistic physics.
5. It has multiple unique soundtracks.
6. It also has stereo-mode (stereo glasses required).
7. Local and global high score tables.
8. It has built-in Help for pinball tables.


You can purchase the Pinball HD game for iPad from the iTunes App store for $2.99. For more information about this app and to download click here.

Pinball HD Now Available for iPad


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