Patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana: The World Giant Statue / Sculpture in Bali, Indonesia 11:14 PM, Posted by Qline , Subscribe to feed reader here

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Designed and built by Nyoman Nuarta, one of Indonesia’s foremost modern sculptor, the Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue or GWK and its pedestal building will be standing 150 meters tall with its wings span 64 meters across. Made from more than 4000 tons of copper and brass, the statue is picturing Lord Wisnu, as the source of wisdom, riding on the back of the mythical bird Garuda as the manifestation of conscience toward Amerta, the perennial goodness.

The statue and its pedestal will be surrounded by more than 240 hectares cultural park which was once an abandoned and unproductive limestone quarry. The cultural park will provide attractions for both local and foreign visitors with supporting facilities such as Lotus Pond, Festival Park, Amphitheater, Street Theater, Exhibition Hall, as well as Jendela Bali The Panoramic Resto and souvenir shop. At present time, the statue of Wisnu, the statue of Garuda, and the hands of Wisnu have been placed temporarily in three different plazas within the park.

GWK Cultural Park is intended to educate, especially the young generations about the importance of preserving and cultivating world’s cultural heritage.

GWK or Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue of Vishnu riding Garuda. The statue was later upon completion will be the world's largest statue 75 meters high and 60 meters wide and will defeat the statue liberty.
Currently the overall progress of sculpture is still in the stage where a new settlement there are 2 statues of the god Vishnu and his Bird Garudanya whose position is still separate.

And several other components of the overall support is also another statue done in the city of Bandung. GWK location and also looks limestone hills that have been cut and it was like limestone blocks with large size.With this statue position at the top of the hill so that the location of this GWK statue we will be able to see the beautiful Bali from above.Besides can see Bali from above, GWK later it will be visible from a radius of 20 km as can be seen from Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua.


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