Unique and Cool Advertising on Public Transportaion

https://funfunpics.blogspot.com/2010/01/unique-and-cool-advertising-on-public.html?m=0 11:40 AM, Posted by Qline , Subscribe to feed reader here

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What make big impact to the product is how they market it. Creative advertising will give a strong memories to the customers.

bus tyre as camera lens

creative ads about quitting smoking. Smoke from bus used as cigarette smoke

teirnitos ads

Dj on the move. Tyre as Disc

another ads that manipulate tyre as an eye

funny ads on bus door. Be care when step up on the bus or you might end up like that

National Geographic advertisement uses bus door as shark's mouth.

another concept of using bus door to move a kissing couple - for mint product

Creative Bus Advertising (Ads on Public Transports)


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