Dragon In Himalayan Sky Caught by Amateur Photographer

https://funfunpics.blogspot.com/2010/01/dragon-in-himalayan-sky-caught-by.html?m=0 9:50 PM, Posted by Qline , Subscribe to feed reader here

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On June 22, 2004, an amateur photographer was traveling to the Tibetan Amdo region to attend the celebration of the opening of the railway Qinghai-Xizang. Then, after attending the event, he was on a plane back from Lhasa. As the aircraft crossed the Himalayas, he took the camera and photographed the beautiful Himalayan sky. Without realizing it, the photo captured two dragon-shaped object inside. He called the object's "Dragon of Tibet".
When look at these pictures, we can see two objects in the form of a snake body and covered by scales. Although the picture does not capture the complete object, but enough to suspect that these two objects are the image of two giant dragons flying above the sky among the clouds. This photo was later posted on the forums on the Internet such as news and Epochtimes.com Baidu.com.And as expected, this picture raises a lot of discussion and debate in cyberspace. One man commented, "No wonder, China is the homeland of the dragon! "


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