Pretty Russian Spy Caught By FBI 10:18 PM, Posted by Qline , Subscribe to feed reader here

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The United States Department of Justice uncovered Anna Chapman, another Russian spy from the allegedly eleven-personalities who's currently on the top watch list of FBI. Ten of them was already on the hand of authorities waits for probably an upcoming trial which will unleashed everything they know about the entire issue. Her dress code signature was red and we cannot deny the fact that she is one of the prettiest spy we heard.

Anna Chapman Russian Spy in Red Code

According to report, Anna Chapman used to send private information to the Russian government using an online secret network and scheduled to report every 4th-day of the week. However, her few months of operating procedure has been determined by FBI when one of their agent cornered her because of a passport matters. Furthermore, she was assigned to operate in New York City but for this moment, we cannot give you more out of the basic things we have read and learned about Chapman.



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